
Card Tests

Pulse Time 5 - ATTACK: After you move, you may attack a foe if you're in range.
+ZG allows you to take your attack before your move, but it is the only exception.
If your action card has Ø Range, you must be able to touch your foe’s figure with your attacking weapon. Read the name of your card’s attack, but don’t show the card to your foe. Then secretly choose which end you want to attack with. Place your card face down, with your attacking end facing the foe.

Press the spin button to spin the defending card.

Your foe then draws the top card from their deck, keeping it face down. The foe may examine their card. This card is your TARGET CARD. Your foe then SPINS the card to randomize the test.
If you're feeling lucky, after the spin the attacker may request a half turn.

Flip over your cards and compare the ends by aligning the 3 colored dots.

Example: Firefight Frontgear attacks Magnetron Generator- 3 Matches, 2 Strikes. SLAGGED! The Armor blocks the green strike, but not the match. The explosive cannot break armor. The Armor-Piercing has nothing to impact, so it is useless in this attack.

Count the number of dots that match up by color, if any. This action is called a TEST. Whenever one of the pairs of dots has the same color, it's called a MATCH.

* No matches: Your attack misses. Discard your action card back into your deck and take your next action, if any. If you want to retest, you need to do it before your next action.
This means that Deadshot!! may not be used if there are 0 matches, because it is a Time 6 - Damage maneuver card.
* 1 or more matches: Check for strikes.

Pulse Time 6. DAMAGE
: Once you’ve determined matches, compare the cards’ blazes. Blazes are the symbols on the dots. Matches without blazes are always strikes. Offensive blazes only are useful versus Defensive or Status Blazes.

Armor - Blocks the strike. Removed by Armor-Piercing. Explosive ignores armor when there is a weak point.

Weak Point - Add one strike when removed by explosive. Add two strikes when removed with AP.

Armor-Piecing - Removes 1 Armor per Armor-Piercing blaze. Add two strikes when removing weak point.
Explosive - Always a strike when removing weak point, regardless of color match or armor.

Now compute how many strikes you get, then look at the chart below:

* 1 Strike: TARGETLOCK: No damage, but you may target this card again with your next attack if you have actions remaining this turn.
* 2 Strikes: SLAG: Foe removes part from figure, discarding the card from play into their slag heap.
* 3 Strikes: SLAG & ATTACK AGAIN: Slag card, draw another target card from foe’s deck, attack again with the same card. This is called a penetrating attack. It is special because no powerups can modify the follow up attack.
*4 or more Strikes: SLAG, STUN & ATTACK AGAIN. Foe is also stunned; see Powerups.

Slagged cards may not be used for the remainder of the game. A RETEST would start this process over at Time 5- Attack.

After you resolve strikes with an action card immediately return it to your deck; this pulse is done. If you have unused Z-G or Z-G2 movement, you must take it now before your next pulse.


  1. I made a diagram of blaze interactions
    and would like anyone to point out any
    mistakes I've made. Also there's one
    interaction that I couldn't figure out.
    I put 5 question marks next to it (?????)

    Here is the URL to the diagram :


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
